csr on environment

The Company is committed to always ensuring its business activities has positive impacts on the environment to drive the achievement of sustainable development goals. Any forms of the Company’s operational activities kept to be pursued by incorporating eco-friendly principles in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and other provisions or best practices related to the environment conservation.

Activities Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities on environment carried out by the Company in 2019 include:

1. Preparing the procedure for the Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL)
The Company has prepared AMDAL which is consistently implemented in the planning and production process.

2. Use of Environmentally Friendly Materials and Energy Sources
The Company has used environmentally friendly materials and dyes and chemical auxiliaries that have met Oekotex standards so that its operational activities do not cause environmental damage. Furthermore, the Company also uses environmentally friendly and non-toxic energy. This is particularly demonstrated by the use of compressed natural gas that is cleaner and more environmentally friendly as a substitute for coal in supplying broilers (steam engines).

3. Waste Management System
The Company has an integrated Waste Management Installation (IPAL) so that the waste produced by the production process does not pollute the environment and
surrounding residents. Hazardous and toxic material waste is treated through the third party, which is PT Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri.

The waste management performed in the activity location is as follows:
a. Collection (sorting, packaging, and weighing) of B3 waste at the source;
b. Temporary storage in a temporary storage area for B3 waste; and
c. Delivery to third parties who have permit from the Ministry of Environment.
Meanwhile, the waste management performed outside the activity location is handled by third parties by transporting; utilizing; processing; and disposing the B3 waste. Every package or place/container for B3 waste must be given a symbol and label indicating the characteristics and types of the B3 waste.

4. Complaint Mechanism for Environmental Issues
The Company already has clear procedures for handling environmental problems. Should any environmental problem arise from the Company’s business activities,
reporter can directly contact with the office or operating plants. Report can also be submitted via:
Telephone : +6221 5835 7377
Facsimile : +6221 5835 8033
Email : inquiry@trisula.com
Each incoming report will be received and signed by the HSE department. Issues that cannot be resolved by the HSE department will be handled by the superior head.

5. Environmental Certification
The Company has obtained ISO 14001:2015 certification on Environmental Management. The certification though the Subsidiaries proves that the Company is able to show its commitment as the textile and garment company with “green living” standard.

csr on occupational health and safety

The implementation of occupational health and safety (OSH) aspects constitutes the Company’s commitment as a whole in managing the business. Such matter is based on Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012 on the Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management System for all employees in the Company’s factories.

The following are CSR programs related to occupational health and safety that were conducted by the Company in 2019.
1. Occupational Safety and Facilities
The Company run occupational health and safety (OSH) programs, starting from the provision of guidelines for notification of hazard placed at each work location, the provision of occupational safety tools, fire extinguisher in each room, the establishment of evacuation route and assembly point in case of disaster, the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), medical insurance program for employees, the provision of emergency equipment, and other healthy facilities such as medical checkup. Maintenance and inspection are also carried out to the buildings and other work facilities.

2. Occupational Accident Rate
In 2019, there were no work accidents experienced by the Company, but there were 5 minor work accidents experienced by employees of Subsidiaries, namely
PT Trisco Tailored Apparel Manufacturing. For work accidents that occur, the Company has conducted an investigation to find the cause. In addition, the Company
continues to prioritize preventive measures in order to prevent accidents in the workplace.
3. Employees Turnover Rate
The Company always implements a fair and responsible management of workforce in order to build harmonious working relationships and to control employee turnover rate. A controlled turnover rate will drive the productivity of the Company’s employees.
4. Complaint Mechanism
The Company provides channel to allow employees to report employment issues including occupational health and safety of employees through the Corporate Human Capital Division. If necessary, then such matter will be settled according to the Law No. 2 of 2004 on the Industrial Relations Disputes.

csr for social and community development

The Company realized that the prosper community will indirectly affect the business continuity. Therefore, the Company implements community empowerment, especially in the Company’s surrounding areas of activities, through activities which have impact on the quality improvement of social life, education, health, religion, and social welfare.

To carry out its responsibilities for community social development, the Company consistently conduct CSR activities as an effort to conduct empowerment and development to the local community. Some of the efforts made are described as follows.
1. Utilization of Local Workers
The Company and its Subsidiaries provide opportunity to the local community to work in the company. The local community is the community around the operational areas, such as Kabupaten Bandung and Cimahi.
2. Local Community Empowerment
The Company through its Subsidiaries empowered the surrounding community, through education and community development. Empowerment of the surrounding community is carried out in the form of developing student competencies, anti-drug education, technical internships, and skills training such as sewing.
3. Other Types of Donation
The Company provides assistance in the form of various social community development activities. In addition, the Company also made donations to Raudhatul Jannah Foundation, Bandung Japanese School, Assadiyah Foundation, Kaum Foundation, ANT Charity Indonesia Foundation, and Wahana Visi Foundation.
4. Anti-Corruption Communication
The provisions of anti-corruption are contained in the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics. Such provisions are always communicated to all levels of management and employees to avoid the related conflict of interest.